Home / Journal of Cherishing the Two Glorious Revelations

Journal of Cherishing the Two Glorious Revelations

bout the JCTGR and its Aims:
JCTGR is a scholarly, refereed periodical journal, specializing in research related to the Glorious Qur’an and the Elevated Prophetic Sunnah. It publishes research and contributions – both on paper and electronically – of university professors, specialists and all those concerned with the sciences of the Two Glorious Revelations.

JCTGR’s Vision:
To be a beacon for research conducive to the service of the Two Glorious Revelations that is resultant in cherishing them.

JCTGR’s Mission:
Refereeing and publishing serious scholarly, genuine research in the fields germane to its speciality in Qur’anic and Sunnah studies.

JCTGR’s Aims:
1- Publishing scholarly research specialized Qur’anic and Sunnah studies.
2- Enriching scientific areas in the field Qur’anic and Sunnah studies.
3- Encouraging researchers to contribute, and meeting their needs by getting
their research published.
4- Providing a platform for the highest standards of scholarly publication and research in Qur’anic and Sunnah studies.
5- Paving the way for innovative, encyclopedic, scientific projects in Qur’anic and Sunnah studies.
6- Reinforcing the varied activities of the Endowment with serious research related to its work and goals.

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