All rights reserved for Journal of Cherishing
the Two Glorious Revelations
Ministry of Culture and Information license No. 8044, dated 14/4/1436AH

ISBN 1438/9939

ISSN 1658-774X

(Selling Price: SR (20
Contact Information
All correspondence should be addressed to the editor-in-chief
Journal of cherishing the Two Glorious Revelations, Endowment of Cherishing The Two Glorious Revelations, Al-Rawabi Districtm Madinah, P.O.Box 51993, Post code 41553, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Phone No. +966148493009, Ext.115
Mobile No. +966535522130

Subscription Costs

Subscription for individuals & universities inside Kingdom of Saudi Arabia .is (100) Saudi Riyals
.Subscription includes two issues per year and shipment costs
Subscription for individuals & universities outside Kingdom of Saudi Arabia .is (12) US Dollars
Subscription includes two issues per year excluding shipping costs.
A form for subscription should be filled in at the journal web page.
Furthering research studies and training programs related to the Glorious -Qur’an and the Elevated Prophetic Sunnah.

Endowment for Cherishing
the Two Glorious Revelations

About us:
An institutional endowment devoted to serving the Glorious Qur’an and the Elevated Prophetic Sunnah, by underlining their guidance and fulfilling their aims.

Historical background:
The endowment was established in 1428AH, initially as, Project for Cherishing the Glorious Qur’an. In 1434AH the Project became a community development center under the nomenclature, Center
for Cherishing the Glorious Qur’an. Yet, in 1436AH, the center was further developed to be an independent entity under the title,
Endowment of Cherishing the Two Glorious Revelations.

Our Vision:
Extolling the acts of cherishing the Two Glorious Revelations and promoting their studies both locally and internationally.

Our Mission:
To promote cherishing the Glorious Qur’an and the Elevated Prophetic Sunnah throughout Muslim communities, by highlighting their aims and objectives, and underlining their guidance.

Our Aims:
Highlighting the glories of the Glorious Qur’an and the Elevated
Prophetic Sunnah and making their rights known.
Defending the Glorious Qur’an and the Elevated Prophetic Sunnah and refuting the calumny leveled against them.
Furthering research studies and training programs related to the Glorious Qur’an and the Elevated Prophetic Sunnah.

Journal of Cherishing
the Two Glorious Revelations

About the JCTGR and its Aims:
JCTGR is a scholarly, refereed periodical journal, specializing in research related to the Glorious Qur’an and the Elevated Prophetic Sunnah. It publishes research and contributions – both on paper and electronically – of university professors, specialists and all those concerned with the sciences of the Two Glorious Revelations.

JCTGR’s Vision:
To be a beacon for research conducive to the service of the Two Glorious Revelations that is resultant in cherishing them.

JCTGR’s Mission:
Refereeing and publishing serious scholarly, genuine research in the fields germane to its speciality in Qur’anic and Sunnah studies.

JCTGR’s Aims:
Publishing scholarly research specialized Qur’anic and Sunnah studies.
Enriching scientific areas in the field Qur’anic and Sunnah studies.
Encouraging researchers to contribute, and meeting their needs by getting
their research published.
Providing a platform for the highest standards of scholarly publication and research in Qur’anic and Sunnah studies.
Paving the way for innovative, encyclopedic, scientific projects in Qur’anic and Sunnah studies.
Reinforcing the varied activities of the Endowment with serious research related to its work and goals.

General Supervisor
Prof. Imad b. Zuhair Hafidh
Professor of Exegesis and Qur’anic Studies, Islamic University, Madinah

Deputy General Supervisor
Dr. Ahmad b. Abdullah Sulaymani
Associate Professor of Qur’anic Modes of Reading, Islamic University, Madinah

Prof. Hikmat b. Bashir Yaseen
Professor of Exegesis and Qur’anic Studies, Islamic University, Madinah

Managing Editor
Dr. Yasir b. Ismail Radi
Associate Professor of Exegesis and Qur’anic Studies, Taibah University, Madinah

Editorial Board Members

Prof. Abdulaziz b. Salih al-Obaid
Professor of Exegesis and Qur’anic Studies, Islamic University, Madinah

Prof. Abdullah b. Muhammad Hassan Damfo
Professor of Hadith, Taibah University, Madinah

Prof. Hussein b. Muhammad al-Awaji
Professor of Qur’anic Modes of Reading, Islamic University, Madinah

Prof. Saud b. Eid al-Jarbuwi
Professor of Hadith, Islamic University, Madinah

Prof. Khalid b. Awn al-Enizi
Professor of Exegesis and Qur’anic Studies, Taibah University, Madinah

Prof. Abdullah b. Abdulaziz al-Falih

Professor of Hadith, Islamic University, Madinah

Prof. Basim b. Hamdi Hamid al-Sayyid
Professor of Qur’anic Modes of Reading, Islamic University, Madinah

Dr. Amin b. Aish al-Mozaini
Associate Professor of Exegesis and Qur’anic Studies, Islamic University, Madinah

Advisory Panel

Prof. Muhammad Sidi Muhammad al-Amin
Professor of Exegesis and Qur’anic Studies, Islamic University, Madinah, KSA

Prof. Muhammad Yakoob Turkustani
Professor of Arabic Language, Islamic University, Madinah, KSA

Prof. Zain al-Abidin Bilafreej
Professor of Higher Education, Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco

Prof. Said Falih al-Mughamasi
Professor of Educational Administration, Islamic University, Madinah, KSA

Prof. Ghazi Ghazzai al-Mutairi
Professor of Propagation and Islamic Culture, Islamic University, Madinah, KSA

Prof. Nabil Muhammad al-Jawhari
Professor of Exegesis and Qur’anic Studies, Islamic University, Madinah, KSA

Prof. al-Salim Muhammad Mahmud al-Jakani
Professor of Exegesis and Qur’anic Studies, Taibah University, Madinah, KSA

Prof. Muhammad Abdulaziz al-Aawaji

Professor of Exegesis and Qur’anic Studies, Islamic University, Madinah, KSA

Prof. Ahmad b. Ali al-Sudais
Professor of Qur’anic Modes of Reading, Islamic University, Madinah, KSA

Prof Momammad Aydin
Professor of Exegesis, Sakarya University, Turkey

Prof. Abdulrahman b. Maadah al-Shehri
Professor of Qur’anic Studies, King Saud University, Riyadh, KSA

Dr. Almuthanna b. Adulfattah Mahmood Mahmood
Professor of Exegesis and Qur’anic Studies, Islamic University, Madinah, )(Jordan

Prof. Salim b. Muhammad Salim Ibrahim
Expert in Strategic Planning, Quality and Academic Accreditation, Islamic University, Madinah, (Egypt)

Dr. Waleed Bleyhesh al-Amri
Associate Professor of Translation Studies, Taibah University, KSA

Dr.Eisa b. Muhammad al-Qaidi
Associate Professor of Communication and Media, Taibah University, KSA